Saturday, September 15, 2007

Question about Comments

Just trying to figure this out.

If one of us creates an entry, it pops up on the main page, under the date it was written.

But if there are "comments" afterward, it puts them at the end, but the original post doesn't pop up to the top of the heap, or anything.

In theory, someone could go into an entry that was a couple years old, add a comment, and we would be none the wiser. Yes? I mean, we'd have to go looking for it or we would be notified via email, but the site wouldn't pop the entry to the top or give any indication that a comment had been made.

I am wondering what we do for things like Challenges or things we expect to have replies. Do we just fake-sticky them? And then move them out?

Or am I totally missing a feature?

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