Friday, September 14, 2007


This is an old Blogger site that I setup several years ago. I've updated it a bit to give the Transition Team an idea of how things can be setup and how they would look.

I got rid of all the old posts, except for the initial Test Post, so that you can see what the "archive" feature looks like in the sidebar.

1 comment:

BeckyScott said...

Okay, so is this how we "do it"?

On my blog, let's say I want to set up a challenge that day. So I do my post, yap yap, this is my personal challenge for the day, yap yap. As "members" come by, they just go to comment, and we have a conversation, sort of like a thread on a board. Pretty much.

A thread that is more like the daily cleaning challenge, the author would have to post the starter post every day, and after that everyone comments, leaving their lists. Comments can be edited so members can come back and check off their progress.

Or I could choose to write some odd essay that day, and people could comment if they wish.

We can title the individual posts so that we could have a category for "daily sweeps", "essays to ponder", "financial chatter", etc etc, as many as we need.